
Frame Research provides rigorous summaries of medical evidence to health care decision makers

What We Do

Each day, thousands of new articles are indexed in PubMed, the National Library of Medicine’s repository of journal citations. Planned and in-process studies in clinical medicine are increasingly searchable thanks to public registries, and these records too are continually updated. Patient-level Big Data in health care, such as electronic medical records and claims databases, has opened up still further avenues for retrospective research. It’s difficult just to keep up with this deluge of information, much less distill the messages relevant to specific clinical questions. Approaching all this data with a prospective, reproducible plan is what we do best. [See FRAMING A RESEARCH QUESTION on our Resources Page.]




At Frame Research, our name may be a happy coincidence, but it’s true: we have proven expertise in framing research questions – arguably the most critical part of any review. From there we develop a protocol, craft a search strategy, screen through all the citations to identify relevant papers, and finally collate and summarize the results. Our offerings range from full systematic reviews for use in formal meta-analysis, to overviews of therapeutic and disease landscapes, to focused rapid reviews for specific clinical context. In all cases, we use a systematic approach and prospective framework in order to minimize bias.

Systematic Review

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Therapeutic Landscape

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Rapid Review

Nam ultrices bibendum orci, ut eleifend ligula ornare at. Praesent sit amet laoreet tellus. Nullam est orci, placerat eget metus id, vulputate porta lorem. Donec blandit eros ac mauris consequat, a congue ligula tempor. Etiam sit amet semper nisl, sed mattis massa. Praesent mattis consectetur diam.